
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

[color kreyv]: Gray

I love, LOVE gray. The next room that I (I meaning mostly the Mr. does all the work) paint is going to be gray. Gray is sophisticated. Gray is versatile. Gray is subtle. Gray can be spelled two ways, depending on how you're feeling. I just can't really say anything bad about gray.

Since my bedroom is the next room on the list to be painted, I am thinking I will go with a very light gray. I prefer light grays for bedrooms and the darker for other rooms. Just my preference. When choosing gray paint, make sure you are careful in your selection. Gray paint can be tricky, because some hues can look purple or bluish--just a tip!
image from Caldwell Flake

image from Desire to Inspire

image from 30 Elm

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  1. Julie HittenbergerApril 24, 2012 at 6:45 PM

    I love gray too!! But..... having trouble finding the right shade. Either purple or too taupe. Do you have any favorite shades?

    1. Hi Julie,

      Here are a few of my favorite grays. Hope this helps!

  2. I have a new love for grey too! I have been wanting to paint our master a grey, but unfortunately it is right off the living room, which is a golden/tan hued color and I can't quite get over what the contrast will look like!? However, I have visions of a soft grey with purple and white accents (not too sure how hubby will feel about the purple, but....) (Sigh) one day! - stopping by from SITS

  3. We just painted our bedroom gray! Wish I would have read this BEFORE we chose our first paint though because it ended up looking a little pink (of all colors). Our second attempt was much better! Congrats on being featured on SITS today!

  4. We are doing a new master suite and I was contemplating pale gray for the bathroom and a darker gray for the bedroom - seeing this soooo clinched it for me! Thank you!!


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