
Monday, April 4, 2011

How Sweet It Is

So, I have this friend named Sarah, but I sometimes call her Lizzy. Sarah is expecting baby boy numero uno in May, and I am so excited for her! You see, Sarah is one of those sweet people. I really only know a handful of "sweet" people. I'm not talking nice, I know a lot of nice people. I'm talking sweet--sweet voice, always nice, always smiling. You know the type. Her husband, Jeff, well, he's just as nice. They are kind of like the perfect couple. I love them tons and wish they would move their cabooses down to St. Louis.

Anyway, Sarah or Lizzie, if you will, requested that I post on nurseries, so I decided that I would not do ONE post on nurseries, I would do an entire week of nurseries. A nursery extravaganza!

I love designing nurseries, because it's so fun. It's a great place to be bold with color and bring in a little whimsy and creativity. I hope these spaces bring you inspiration! (If not, check back tomorrow for more nurseries!)
image from Room Zaar

image from Elizabeth Kimberly Design

image from Better Homes & Gardens


  1. love the color block wall in photo #3-could use that in any kids room!

  2. I love all of those, but especially the second one. It's a such a fun and refreshing color combo!
    And YES! Sarah is the sweetest person you'll ever meet! That's the perfect word to describe her (she's how I found your blog).

  3. love sarah. love these nurseries. love baby showers where all friends are present. (cough, cough)

  4. ohmygoodnesssss! Those nurserys are all so amazing! I feel so inspired. I want a baby now:) Thank you for sharing your finds -can't wait to see more

  5. ooo i like! can't wait to start decorating this babies room! post more!

  6. Lizzie here. These are ADORABLE!!! I kreyv them! Love the details of it all. Checking back in tomorrow for the others...

  7. I love all of those nursery pics!

    Thanks so much for visiting me during my SITS weekend!

  8. i LOVE the bright NOT nursery. i'm trying to *design* my boys bathroom right now and am really leaning towards the brights: orange, green, red (maybe blue....don't know yet)

  9. Okay, seriously, I want to create a fun nursery like any of these. If only we owned a home...soon, I hope...


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