
Monday, May 16, 2011

Color in the Kitchen

I've been back from my Utah trip for a week now. Vacationing is always rough on the good exercise and diet regime. In fact, my vacation habits crept into my normal life, and quite frankly, I've eaten like crap for too long. You know those days when you wake up at six in the morning already craving chocolate? Yeah, it was one of those weeks.

Jeremy bought Skinny Cow Peanut Butter Ice Cream Sandwiches (to die for). Skinny Cow, you say? Good, then I can have two. Carmel popcorn at ten in the morning? Why not? We'll call it brunch, even though you've already eaten breakfast, and you will still eat lunch. On your way home, you say? Sure, pick me up a Heath Blizzard. Of course, to make things more challenging, I have to eat these things when Stella isn't watching. I mean, I would never let her eat like that!

Seriously, people, it's time to take control! It's back to routines and health(ier) food. Really, if I could just get this whole moderation thing under control, I'd be fine! It's a great goal, and I'm going to do it starting tomorrow...

image from House Beautiful

image from L Kae Interiors

image from House Beautiful

image from House Beautiful


  1. Haha! I'm glad I'm not the only one eating slightly less than healthily. Love the kitchens. I could never do that to mine (in this house), but it's fun to see them.

  2. You sound like me lately...I joined Curves here where I live and that is really helping me stay on it!

    Found you through SITS...those kitchens you shared to day are that floor on the first me!


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