
Monday, August 8, 2011

Our Entry(ish)

After an entire year of living here, we finally painted stripes in our pseudo entry way. I love it--I want to wrap my entire house in stripes! Too bad we will get charged tons of money when we move for every wall we paint. I'll have to decide if that might just be worth it, though!
Here's the thing. I've been wanting to paint stripes here forever, but I was just waiting for the right time. Let me rephrase that. I've been wanting Jeremy to paint stripes, but I was just waiting for the right time. Well, the opportunity arrived, my friends.
So, for a few months, Jeremy has been saying that we should buy an iPad. His first tactic was telling me that I needed one. When I didn't go for that, he decided that he needed one for work. (He SO doesn't need one for work.) Well, I actually wanted one, too, and it was tax free weekend in Missouri. What a great excuse to buy an iPad. I went and bought one, and Jeremy was like a little boy on Christmas morning.
Don't worry, I had my fun, too. Let's just say that my Honey-Do list no longer exists. So, though my four stripes may have cost $151.50 each ($600 for the iPad, and $6 for the paint and tape), it was totally worth it. Let's be honest, the real situation is that I have the best husband ever, stripes on my wall, and a brand, new iPad that I get to play with every day while the hubs is at work!


  1. Looks great! Makes me want to add to my one stripe in my family room!

  2. Jamie, I love it! It looks so great. I'm crazy about stripes, or even the diy wallpaper stencils, but they intimidate me. I don't have the confidence that my lines will be straight, or that the paint won't bleed through the tape and leave a excuses Ha!

  3. It's amazing how much better you can make something that already looks fine. Great job! Love the stripes!

  4. Wow your home is gorgeous!! You have some great style!

  5. I love this!! Do you remember what color/brand paint you used?

    Angie :)

  6. Hi Angie,

    The light color was already there (we are renting), so I have no idea what color it is. The stripes are from Valspar Laura Ashley Home Taupe 5 LA611 from Lowe's in satin. Let me know if you have any other questions.



Thank you for your comments, it makes my day! If you have a question, I will answer it in the comments section as soon as I can. You can also email me at