
Monday, August 1, 2011

The Royal Flush

I'm going to do something crazy this week--something risky, scary, and downright dirty. I'm not talking poker, peeps. I'm talking potties: I'm going to attempt to potty train my little Stella Bean.

This is my very first time, and I'm not going to lie, I'm scared! I've got my potty, treats, toys, books, Hello Kitty & Dora undies, a potty watch, and DVDs. We're going to be having a Potty Party! (I know it won't be anything like a party, but I'm trying to psych myself up.) Ready or not: HERE. WE. GO! I mean really, what do I have to lose besides patience and laundry soap? (Don't answer that.)
image from Sarah Richardson

image from VT Interiors

image from Orchid Ceramics


  1. Good luck, and if it works, please tell me exactly how you did it.

  2. Good luck, potty training is NOT my strong point, but I'm sure you will do great! Maybe if I would have had that fun zig-zag floor it would have been better!

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    1. Email:
      Misty M.


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