
Monday, September 26, 2011

Takin' It Easy

What a day we had today(Sunday)! We had to take Stella to the ER for a concussion. Yes, I felt like mother of the year. (Go here for the deets.) Ahhh, it's amazing kids make it through childhood with all of their bonks, bumps, and bruises. So, for the next few days, we are takin' it eee-zee...until Thursday. That's when there's going to be a giant par-tay at the Joyal house, because the sis is coming to St. Louie, and if you've ever seen us shop, it is the opposite of takin' it easy! And yes, I use run on sentences when I'm excited!

But, back to taking things easy. That's what we are going to do, and I think I could do a real good job of taking it easy if my bed looked like one of these, and I could just pull the drapes shut and sleep all day.  Just sayin'.
image from Domino
image from Mark Roskams for Masseria
image from Paul Corrie

1 comment:

  1. These images are fabulous. Thrilled to find and follow your blog!!


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