
Monday, October 10, 2011

Let's Get Or-gan-ized, Or-gan-ized!

You know that title was to the tune of Oliva Newton-John's, "Let's Get Physical," right? And, now you're singing it, aren't you? I don't know what it is about this weather, but it's really making me want to organize my house--go though drawers, get rid of clothes, and throw things away! I know most people do this in the spring, but apparently I wasn't feeling it then.

This week, I am going to organize one thing a day, and I challenge all of you to do the same. Just one thing. We can handle it, and think of how good we'll feel! I will also be posting beautifully organized spaces to inspire your inner cleaning goddess! (I like to make things sounds glamorous, even when they're clearly not.)

Today, I will be sharing my best organization tips. Please feel free to add to my list in the comments! 

(1) Make your bed. Every day. When your bed is made, you're more likely to keep the rest of your room clean. Make your kids do the same! When I was a child, I couldn't leave my room in the morning until my bed was made. Our rooms stayed pretty clean. 
image from Restoration Hardware
(2) Tidy up your house before you go to bed or when you leave the house. There's nothing like starting the morning off to a clean house or coming home to a clean house.

(3)Try to stick to a cleaning schedule. I like to do all of my major cleaning on Monday (mopping, dusting, laundry, etc.) The rest of the week is just maintenance.

(4) Set a timer. Give yourself 30 minutes to clean. You'll be amazed at how much you can get done when you have a time limit!

(5) Consider open shelving. It's beautiful, and it can add tons of additional storage.
image from Alice Lane
(6) Don't put dishes in the sink! The dishwasher is inches away! Putting dishes is like not making the bed, it just invites additional messes!

(7) Use your countertop to store jars and utensil containers to make room in drawers.

(8) Provide a place for everything! This makes cleaning SO much faster and helps avoid clutter and junk drawer type spaces!
image from Better Homes & Gardens

(9) Get rid of it! If you come across something you don't use, and haven't used for a long time, it's time to part with it! Donate it or throw it away! Get it out of your house!

(10) Use hooks in closets and on the backs of doors. This keeps things off of the floor and keeps things organized!

(11) Containers, containers, containers! (See number 8!)
image from Poppy Talk


  1. I like #6 - that is quite true with us in my house. It's a hard habit to break! Thanks for sharing your tips!

  2. Ill take any old clothes off your to get rid of pile :) hehe

  3. Great tips, lovely photos! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am a new follower of your lovely blog! Kari

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Thank you for your comments, it makes my day! If you have a question, I will answer it in the comments section as soon as I can. You can also email me at