
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Oh Yeah...Thanksgiving

I think someone forgot to tell me that Thanksgiving is next week. NEXT WEEK! Wow. How did that happen? Man, I was really hoping to savor the month of November--reflect, reminisce, you know, all that good stuff. Life just gets away from me sometimes. Good thing it's not too late, but I should really start thinking about a grocery list for Thanksgiving.

Now for a bit of reflection. November is such a wonderful month to remind us to give thanks for all of our blessings that we have been given. I, for one, am one of the luckiest people I know. I have SO many things to be grateful for. About two years ago, one of our greatest blessings came into our life. Read about our our adoption story here. And lucky for me, my list of blessings just goes on and on...

image from Brown Paper Packages
image from Martha Stewart
image from Midwest Living
image from Jenny Steffens Hobick

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