
Thursday, December 15, 2011

[so cheap, so easy]: Felt Christmas Trees

So, did anyone else get out Christmas decorations this year only to discover that you don't like them anymore?  I hate it when that happens, and by hate, I mean LOVE! You see, that means new decor, and how could I possibly hate new decor? You're right. I don't hate new decor.

I decided to add some trees to my nativity. I used five Make it: Fun® STYROFOAM™ Brand Foam cones in 18, 15, and 12 inch heights. I used about one yard of white felt, and yes, I used cotton face pads on one of the trees instead of cutting out circles. Weird? Perhaps. Resourceful? Definitely. So...after A LAH-HA-OT of cutting and gluing (using a low temperature glue gun as to not melt the styrofoam), I had some new decor. Cheap and easy, yes. Quick, not so much!

Let me know if you have any questions on any of the trees. I think you can tell how to do them by looking at them, but I probably think that because I made them. Sorry I didn't do a tutorial. I was ready to wrap this project up as fast as possible! Long project, small attention span...bad combination!

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