
Thursday, January 12, 2012

[so cheap, so easy]: Burlap Message Boards

Do you ever just look through your favorite catalog just to see if there's something in there you can knock off? Check these out: burlap message boards from Ballard Designs.  They sell for $49-$219.  For reals? Cork board, burlap, brass nailheads...I'm thinking it can be done for a lil' bit cheaper, dontcha think? I love the simplicity of these, and I actually love all three sizes together and layered. This would make a great project for an office or message center.  Unfortunately, I've got neither, so you if you do, you should make them. You really should.
image from Ballard Designs

1 comment:

  1. $219? Seriously?! Yay for knocking things off because I love these!


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