
Thursday, March 1, 2012

[so cheap, so easy]: Drawer Pull Towel Holders

I have issues with towel racks. I have always preferred hooks. I like the towels to hang naturally rather than trying to fold them just right and make them look perfect--because they never do. (And then there's the whole, "Hey, since we're good enough friends, you can no longer use the nice towels." Yes, I'm as bad as Monica Gellar.) I saw this idea on Pinterest, and I love it (if you know the original source, please let me know). Using drawer pulls for your towels is genius, if I do say so myself. (Even if I didn't come up with it myself!) You should do it!
image source unknown


  1. This is a great idea, never would have thought of it. Thanks for sharing!

  2. That's darling. My daughter and I were just at Hobby Lobby last night, and they had so many great, unusual drawer pulls. We found several beautiful ones, but didn't know what we would do with them if we bought them. THIS answers that! Stopped by from SITS. Have a great day!

  3. Love this idea!! I'm with you on it being pain to get the hand towel on neatly! This looks great!!


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