
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

[color kreyv]: Mint Green

I'm definitely lovin' me some mint green lately. I love its beachy, subtle tone. Speaking of beachy (which the autocorrect insists on changing to "be achy"), does anyone else realize that it is almost June?! How did that happen? I have to say that despite the nasty St. Louis summers, I'm glad to see it come. June means that the hubs is almost done with one more year of residency; that we are nearing a full week of vacation/trip to Chi-town and Milwaukee; and that the pool will be opening! Hooray! Let's all savor this optimism. Once the temperatures, humidity, and heat index rise, you won't see it for a while. I'm just sayin.' 
image from 2 By Fryd
image source unknown
image from Christine Bauer


  1. I am on a mini vacation in Chicago right now...and I love it. Those seafoam green picks are all faves of mine. I can never get enough of the color. xo

  2. Oh, I like the sea foam green colour too right now! thinking about adding some of that colour to my bathroom :)

    Visiting from SITS, make it a great day!

  3. I always try to fool myself into thinking I'm going to love Indiana's disgustingly humid summer. THIS is the year it won't bother me. And every year by around the middle of June I end up sweaty, irritated and extra opinionated about how summer stinks. But maybe this really will be the year. A girl can dream :)


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