
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

When We Get a Real House...

Tonight the hubs and I had the missionaries and another friend over for dinner. After our guests left, Jeremy and I were cleaning up, and he said, "When we have a real house..."

I thought, Finally, he's getting on board with the imaginary house talk. What does he want? Beautiful, open shelving? A fabulous tiled backsplash? 
image from Canadian House & Home
Gorgeous white cabinets that go to the ceiling? Dark, wood floors and amazing countertops? For a split second I got really excited, and I then jumped back into reality, only to hear...
image from Darryl Carter via Cococozy
"When we get a real house, can we get a salad spinner?"  Oh, the little things in life like having ample storage in your kitchen, being able to spin your lettuce, and knowing what to get your husband for Father's Day.
image from Beka


  1. A new kitchen increases the value of your home and makes your living easier. The first step on your new kitchen countertops to put a budget. Decide how much money you are willing to waste. This will help push your other decisions.

  2. Hilarious!

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  3. Sweet post. Happy SITS day. I remember when we bought this house, this little cape cod all 1300 sq feet and tearing up for weeks, in disbelief that God had given us such a sweet little home. Years of apartment dwelling and moving had made me give up on the idea of having a house of our own. And now, my dear hubby? He wants to build his own!

  4. It's all about perspective, isn't it? :)

  5. Lol! Guys are so different then us and there's proof right there :) Happy SITS day!

  6. I want to paint my ugly brown cabinets white, and I hope to get to it one of these days. I bought me a salad spinner, and I hardly ever use it :)

    Congrats on your SITS Day!

  7. Men are so deep and forward thinking, aren't they?

  8. Your family and your blog are just beautiful! Congrats on your SITS day! Wish you lived closer. I so lack the decorating gene. My house needs a lot of work!!

  9. Love him! And cute post about it. Clearly you love him, too!

  10. Too funny!! Love your blog - it's gorgeous!!

  11. I think we're all waiting for our "real house", even though we have a home in one form or another =)
    Lovely blog, girl!

  12. I love those pictures! I hope I can have a kitchen like that one day too.

  13. Happy Sits Day, I love love your blog. Eye catching right from the start.
    The hubs and I talk like this too, sometimes we're not on the same page :) Too funny!!!

  14. teehee, hope you get your dream kitchen someday and he gets his dream salad spinner! Visiting from SITS.


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