
Monday, June 4, 2012

Merry Christmas to ME!

You can't see me right now, but I'm doing a happy dance! Today, I am the featured blogger on SITS Girls. Check them out. They're kind of a big deal. If you're visiting for the very first time, welcome and thanks. Here are a few facts about me to get you up to speed: 

I'm kind of obsessed with interior design. I think about interior design and ways I could change my house about one million, seven hundred thousand, twenty-one times a day. That is also the number of times I have actually changed my house. [] I never exaggerate. [] I can't hardly wait for the hubs to finish his medical residency, so we can buy a house and decorate the heck out of it. We have two years left of residency/fellowship. Getting to this point has taken us all 11 years of our marriage. [] Sometimes I like to take credit for my husband's accomplishments, even though I had nothing to do with them. It's okay, his family gives me all of the credit as well. I'll take what I can get. [] I have THE cutest little girl in the world. Her name is Stella. She's kind of the main event over at our place. [] I have a love/hate relationship with DIY projects. If you love a good DIY, check out my [so cheap, so easy] series. [] If you want to know more, check out my about page, my family blog, and/or my house tour on the right side of the blog. Most popular posts are at the bottom of the blog. (I'm now pointing my arms as an airline attendant would do. It's not that funny, because you can't see me.) [] Sometimes my impressions, dances, and other random actions don't translate well on paper. Just use your imagination, and imagine me being really funny, mmmkay? Now, go ahead, take a look around! And again, thanks for visiting me today!


  1. Hi Jamie. The SITS girls said your blog had a ton of eye candy, and they were right! Beautiful pictures! Looking forward to visiting you again soon...

  2. Happy SITS day! What a wonderful blog you have! I love your layout!

  3. Happy SITS Day! I'm off to work now, but will be back later!

  4. Congrats on your SITS day! I love the crisp look of your blog.

    Lemon Drop Pie

  5. Happy SITS day! I'm so happy to have come across your blog. I love decorating, although, I haven't redecorated my house nearly as many time as you have :)

  6. Happy SITS day!! Hope you enjoy it :) beautiful blog!!!

  7. Cool! Congrats on the feature...

  8. Happy SITS Day! Your blog (and house for that matter) are BEAUTIFUL! I can't wait to read more.

  9. Happy SITS day -- love the post title. Happy Christmas -- happy SITSmas -- indeed!!

  10. Beautiful blog! Can't wait to really dive in and read more, so I'm becoming a new follower!

    Hope it's a wonderful SITS day!

  11. Merry Christmas in June - happy SITS day!

    Looking forward to some great ideas.

  12. Happy SITS day! I am so excited to find your blog today (I'm happy dancing with you!)

    I will be poking around A LOT! I am attempting to do more DIY and in the past year, I have done more DIY than ever before... but now I want to refine my DIY instead of being a bull in a china DIY shop.

    Grateful to "meet" you!

  13. Lovin' the blog girl! Great photography, and even better title.
    Happy SITS day. Enjoy it :)
    ,from your newest fans over at We Got Kidz ;)

  14. Happy SITS day to you!!

    Love your blog. You have some awesome decorating ideas!!

  15. Big happy to you on your SITS Day!!!! :)

  16. I hope you have having a wonderful SITS Day! I met you during the recent Spring Fling and love your blog. Cheers!

  17. Happy SITS day! Your home is absolutely fabulous (please send some of that creativity this way). And your family is lovely too. Great blog!

  18. Congratulations on your SITS day. I hope it's a fabulous day for you.

  19. Congrats on being featured blogger today! Enjoy your day as Queen!

  20. Happy SITS day! I'm delighted to meet you :)

  21. Congrats on your SITS feature! I love your's so pretty! New follower. Oh, and you have a beautiful family!

  22. Yay Sits! Loved the post about what to do with Xmas cards, and also enjoyed meeting your beautiful family!!

  23. Happy SITS day! Great looking blog and beautiful family!!

  24. Hi Jamie! Visiting from SITS and now following :) We're breaking ground on a new house this September...and I'm so excited to pick EVERYTHING out--from the brick/concrete/limestone exterior down to the bathroom sinks. My style is pretty modern, but more mid-century than pottery barn. Glad to have found your blog. I look forward to your updates!

  25. Happy SITS day!


  26. Happy SITS day! Love all the great kreyvs on here.

  27. Visiting from SITS! You're blog is so beautiful.

  28. I agree with Erin, your blog is beautifuL!

    Also visiting from SITS, enjoy your SITS day!

  29. Beautiful blog (think you've heard that already!).

  30. Visiting from SITS day! You are so creative and I really like your blog. I'm headed off to check out the DIY list you mentioned above!
    I just did a post on The Art of Love DIY :)

  31. Love your blog!! I am a new follower on both Pinterest and Facebook. I love that SITS introduces us to so many wonderful blogs that I would have probably never found if it wasn't for them.

  32. Your blog is so beautiful, and I love the family photos in the sidebar!

  33. Wow! Thank you for sharing such a wonderful blog. SITS is great for featuring you. Love your pictures and your humor. I'll be back regularly!

  34. Your blog IS eye candy! Happy SITS day ;)

  35. Stopping by from SITS.

    Happy SITS Day!

    Your blog is beautiful! I love how clean & simple it is.

  36. You have awesome photos on your blog! Unfortunately, I was born without the DIY gene. Congrats on your SITS day! Enjoy the spotlight!

  37. What a beautiful blog you have!
    Happy SITS day to you!

  38. YAY for happy dances and yay for your SITS day!!!!

  39. I love decorating too. And I love eye candy! Happy Sits day!

  40. Happy SITS Day! I like the idea of interior design, but it scares the crap out of me. I'd need someone like you to come and walk me through it!

  41. Hope you've had a fantastic SITS day so far. Definitely love your blog!

  42. I wish I had passion like you do for interior design. LOL

    Congrats on your SITS day!

  43. I'll join the love-fest by saying that you have a beautiful blog (and equally beautiful home). Last summer I repainted and tried to change some things in my great room. My goal was to create a space similar to many of the images I see on your blog, but I'm afraid I failed ... miserably. So, I have a question for you. Would you consider looking at a picture and making suggestions?

    And happy SITS day!

    1. Absolutely! Send me a few at different angles, so I can get a good idea!

    2. Oh, thank you! I'll have to clean first. :)

  44. Happy SITS day! Hope it was great!


Thank you for your comments, it makes my day! If you have a question, I will answer it in the comments section as soon as I can. You can also email me at