
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

[color kreyv]: Yellow

Today was pretty awesome. It was a yellow day, you know, sunny and cheerful and happy, and, well, yellow. First of all, Mr. Hubs was home, always the start to a perfect day. We went to the park and went on a family jog. The weather was just right. Then, we went to Grant's Farm (kind of a mini zoo here), but it was closed. But, don't worry. We went to the mall to ride the carousel and get a big pretzel instead (Stella's second choice...usually my first). After nap time, Jeremy and Stella went to the pool while I went grocery shopping. By myself. Without the huge car cart. And yes, it still took me an excessively long time to open the produce bags, but it didn't matter. I ended my shopping trip with an Almond Snickers. That's right. Enough with the fake, piddly snacks. I needed the real deal today, and I'm pretty happy about it. For dinner, we had tacos, our favorite. Yes, it's the simple things in life like family time, sweat-free weather, nougat, almonds, and carmel enrobed in milk chocolate, taco Tuesday, and of course, yellow.
image source unknown
image from Better Homes & Gardens
image from Huffard House Interiors via Willow Decor

1 comment:

  1. Love the photos, but I really loved the opening paragraph! We had tacos last night too - family favorite. And I totally hear your about the car cart - I had to make a rule when my kids were clearly to old for it but kept asking for it anyway - the car cart is a special treat for Daddy to do (because i couldn't push it anymore!)


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