
Thursday, November 29, 2012

[color kreyv]: Fuchsia

Okay, so I have a confession. I'm going to tell you, and you're not going to judge me. At least not out loud. Some of you may laugh, and some of you may roll your eyes. But, any of you who know me personally will most likely not be surprised. So here goes: on Sundays, I make sure that my family's outfits coordinate. Not anything too crazy and not matchy-matchy...just coordination. My sweet, sweet husband asks me if we are wearing brown or black since all of his slacks and shoes are either in the brown or black family, and we go from there. (I know. He should get a prize. He knows it's easier to ask first than to have to change.) If it matters, he does pick out his own ties. Except for last Sunday. It was a "black" day, and Stella was wearing her birthday dress, so I suggested that Mr. Hubs wear a pink tie. He asked me which one, so I tried to explain it. After a while, he said, "Oh, the fuchsia one?" I started laughing that he said the word fuchsia, but at the same time, I totally had a proud wife moment. Now, are you judging me or just thinking of how awesome fuchsia is? Either way, enter my giveaway: $50 Giveaway to ElemenOPillows. The shop has LOTS of pink fuchsia.
image from Micasa
pillows from ElemenOPillows
image from Nicety


  1. great design

  2. Oh my gosh! I love this color! Those pillows are so pretty! I will most definitely be entering this giveaway!

    my name is Sarah, I'm new to your blog, and am following via GFC. My blog is Skylar Magazine feel free to stop by anytime!

    Thanks & Happy Holidays!


  3. Ha, too funny. My husband is color blind and calls pink, purple. He also says purple is his favorite color so I guess that means pink too. :) Have a great Sunday!


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