
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The New Advent

I love the advent calendars I've been seeing on the world wide web. (I never say world wide web, but I think I may start.)  They sure are a change from the cardboard doors that open up to a cheap piece of chocolate. I really want one, but I haven't found "the one" yet. More accurately, I have found many "the ones" and just haven't narrowed it down (story of my life). It's a big decision, really. I need something that can last, something classic, not too big, not too small, and well, most importantly, something that's super cute.  Then, there's the question of what to put inside: scriptures, activities, candy? Do you have an advent? And speaking of advents: 20 days people, 20 days!
image from Raumdinge
image from Lovely Things
image source unknown


  1. The only experience I have with advent calendars is the cardboard one with the doors I bought from a fundraiser 20+ years ago. I came home depressed (I had recently broken off an engagement) and ate the entire box. The candy was lousy and I ended up feeling worse.

    These are lovely though. Stopping in from SITS

  2. Can't believe Christmas is so close! The only Advent calendars I knew where the chocolate behind doors ones, too. These are all beautiful though.

    Visiting from SITS, happy Saturday!

  3. Over from SITS. What fabulous advent calenders! I love all things Christmas. Every year Hubby and I have just your typical chocolate calenders and I even got my dog one! Obviously not a choccie one. Was disappointed this year because my dogs calender never arrived (ordered it on ebay and unfortunately the postman never delivered it :(

    Thanks for sharing pics. I shall be checking out your blog again :)



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