
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

[so cheap, so easy]: Framed Chalkboards

I'm going to be honest here. I haven't gotten on the chalkboard paint train, because chalk and chalkboards give me the heebie jeebies. Even the thought of the way it feels and sounds...chills and ew. Gross. Here's another confession: I'm most likely not going to let Stella go crazy with colored chalk and then prance around the house. Mock me all you want, but the thought of colored chalk on any of my furniture or white comforters makes me about as sick as the thought of touching chalk. Regardless, I think these are absolutely adorable. Maybe I could get on board with white chalk and a closed door during use. Maybe. For the rest of you, who don't have chalk issues, you can check out the full tutorials at Dejavu Crafts and Young House Love
image from Dejavu Crafts
image from Young House Love


  1. I am the same way. However, I think I want an adult chalkboard to display fun quotes without little hands to draw on it!

  2. I'm with ya...I don't do indoor chalk. However, we LOVE chalk outside. But then you don't get the cute framed chalkboards. :)

  3. I LOVE it!! It looks so good and what a fun thing for children AND adults!! :) I am your newest follower, darling blog! I love the name, super creative!!

  4. Love the look and great for little one's creativity!

  5. I know several people who have framed chalkboards on their decks. So kids can have fun and be messy outside.


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