
Monday, June 3, 2013

Master Bedroom | Laura

So...let's not talk about the fact that we are moving across the country in three weeks, and we still don't have a house. Seriously, I don't know what was more stressful: taking shelter next to my washing machine during the tornado warnings on Friday, or not being able to find a house. No biggie. Let's talk about how pretty we can make someone else's house, mmmkay?

This design is one of my favorites. The room had an existing accent wall with a deep plum, a gorgeous four poster bed and dressers, and a white duvet. My client wanted to add color and pattern, but nothing too feminine. I found the chair, and it was PERFECT. If you look closely, you can see the purples, blues, and yellows. I always try to make sure that a room is not locked into just one color scheme. You can do this by adding even just a couple of pieces that bring in multiple colors. We kept the white duvet, but added two of the large striped pillows, two of the purple pillows (that I'm dying over), and the lilac quilt to put at the bottom of the bed. My client also had some great art with deep purples that was added to the design. I think this is a great space with the right mix of feminine and masculine. Aaaand...I kind of wish it was mine, but what's new?!
For design inquiries, please email me at or visit my design services page.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous! Good luck with all of this. We moved cross country a few years ago and we had no home and no jobs to come to. We didn't even make it all the way east before I was (surprisingly!) pregnant with my first. And we lived at my in-laws for a few months. I would not do that one again. I wish you a smooth (as possible) experience.


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