
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

[in five]: Ways to Get Your [kreyv] On

Did you know there are lots of ways to get your daily [kreyv]? What's that you say? Tell you more? Don't mind if I do!

1| Do you like [kreyv] on Facebook? You should. Seriously. All the cool kids are doing it. (Well, actually only 669 cool kids.)
2| The days of Google Reader are gone, but don't fret. You can add [kreyv] to your list of daily reads using Bloglovin'.

3| Want me to come to you? Just type your little email address in that subscribe box, and [kreyv]'s daily posts will be delivered to your email box every day. Free shipping--and real free shipping, not that spend $50 and get free shipping business, just free. Period.

4| You can just plain old follow [kreyv] by clicking the join this site icon. 
5| OR, you can just type in, put it on your blog list, bookmark it, or click on it from Facebook or Pinterest. Really, there's just no escaping me. I'm everywhere!


  1. Perfect when we get a little kreyving, right?

    You're in my Feedly, now that Google Reader is dead.

    Always an awesome visit.


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