
Thursday, September 19, 2013

[so cheap, so easy]: DIY Urchins

Who doesn't love a super posh, shiny, spiky ball thingy? I know. They're pretty amazing. Aaand cheap. Aaand easy. I have pinned quite a few of these throughout the year or years, or however long Pinterest has been around, but I have yet to make one. I need to get on that. I feel like I'm totally missing out. I have included three different pictures with three different links and tutorials. On your mark, get set, go!
image & tutorial from Curbly
image & tutorial from Craft & Couture
image & tutorial from Full House


  1. was just looking at tutorials yesterday for these!

  2. Totally fabulous and I love how they really make the room pop! :)-Ashley

  3. I have wanted to do these also! Maybe this weekend is the time! Thanks for the links... I think I have pinned all of these also!

  4. Very cool. Remind me to keep mine at work or on a high shelf. I can just see my girls sneaking this on chairs to see who will sit on it - and what will happen when they do.


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