
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Framed Towels | My Dining Room Art

Before I start this post, let's just all try to ignore that awesome dining room light that I referred to yesterday as "rejected clearance," mmkay? Thanks. (BTW, if we owned our house, or even if we were sticking around for more than a year, I'd replace it with something simple like this.) 

Moving on... I am always trying to find an inexpensive way to create large scale art. Though I would love to purchase some great art, it's just ain't gonna happen any time soon, know what I'm sayin'? So, instead, I have to get creative, and lucky me, I have an awesome father-in-law that is willing to frame stuff for me. Like towels. That's right, towels. I bought two of these towels from H&M Home. The towels were attached to masonite using spray adhesive, then the frames were made to size. I stained and sanded the frames, popped the towels/masonite in, and nailed it all into place. (Ok, the only thing I did was stain and sand, but I found the towels and had the idea. Plus, I kept Jeremy company while he nailed everything together and hung them up. That counts for something, right?) The most important part is that I love them, and they only cost about $70 total, which is a great price for something this big. And awesome.

Linking up at


  1. These are awesome! I, too, am always looking for inexpensive, large scale art, we have super high ceilings and anything of normal scale looks ridiculously small...this is great, thanks for the idea!

    Stopping by from Coastal Charm, Dawn from I Think We Could Be :)

  2. Looks great! I love H&M Home stuff!


  3. genius! i love h&m. i would've never thought to use towels as art!

  4. Can't believe those are towels! They look awesome! And like they cost more than 70 bucks... Nice work!

  5. Very creative and brilliant! I really thought the pics were from a magazine. Great job!

  6. I thought that it was chalkboard art before I clicked on your link (from Fluster Buster linky) so when I realized I was looking at framed towels I just about giggled out loud! So cool. I suppose you could do the same with tea towels/ napkins etc. If you have some spare time and want to visit, you can find me over at

  7. Looks awesome! I shared this on my Knick of Time Facebook Page -

  8. What a neat idea! I'm going to have to remember this trick...they look amazing!

  9. This is PHENOMENAL. Towels as wall art?? And they're from my favorite place, H&M???? So creative, and they look amazing!

  10. This is such a cute idea! It turned out terrific!

  11. Your blog sure did catch my eye. Love the 'towel' artwork. It looks amazing.

    I would love to have you to link up at my weekly Clever Chicks Blog Hop:

    I hope you can make it!
    Kathy Shea Mormino

    The Chicken Chick

  12. lokking great idea, and they look awesome and ilike they cost more then 70 buck, These are awesome! I, too, am always looking for inexpensive, large scale art, we have super high ceilings and anything of normal scale looks ridiculously small...this is great, thanks for the idea!

  13. Well! It's awesome post which is sound lovely. I think it's was Chalkboard art, Great skill in this art,so when I realized I was looking at framed towels I just about giggled out loud! So cool, then my considerations is that you could do the same with tea towels/ napkins and other like that etc. If you have some spare time then please visit my site to give suggestion......


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