
Monday, December 30, 2013

[in five]: NYE Party Must-Haves

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Ours was so. Much. Fun. Stella is at such a fun age where everything is still so magical. Everything was "just what she wanted!" Her memory might blow my cover one of these days, though.  As she pulled things out of her stocking, she commented that Santa must shop at the same stores we do, because she remembered seeing those things (like six months ago). Guess I'll have to be super sneaky(ier)next year!

Now on to the new year and New Year's Eve parties. I do have to say that this holiday is a bit anti-climatic for me, but I am still excited to set some new goals and have that feeling of starting new, even if I don't make it to midnight! If nothing else, it gives me one LAST excuse to eat crappy before starting anew.  (Who am I fooling? Like I can't find another excuse for another day!)

Are you hosting a party this year? Here are my five New Year's Eve party must-haves: 1) a killer tablescape and decorations--yes, those are marshmallows; 2)confetti glasses; 3)NYE midnight kisses--how cute is that?! 4)black and white (FREE) printables; 5)a family time capsule or memory jar. Links are below each image. Happy New Year's partying!
image from Mon Carnet
image from A Thoughtful Place
image from Sign My Shirt
image from Design Dining Diapers
image from Kelli Crowe


  1. I love those marshmallows from the ceiling!!!! Hmmm, may have to do that for my son's birthday party coming up soon! Glad you had fun and Stella too!!!! CHEERS to 2013 & 2014! Glad to have discovered you and your blog dear!

  2. We totally are hosting this year! Which helps to make New Year's less anti-climatic, because it used to be such a bummer for me. After Christmas, and then school starts.
    The marshmallows? Amazing. We have a cathedral ceiling in our party room so it would certainly be interesting!

  3. Oh wow she has a scary good memory. You may be right she may be right around the corner from figuring out the whole Santa thing. Oh yeah from Thanksgiving to about the end of the first week of January I allow myself sugar treats then stop. Not completely but for the most part. But have to finish up those butter chocolate dipped cookie cutter cookies I made last week.

    Allie of ALLIE NYC

  4. T used to remember stuff like that...but now it seems to be getting all shoved out with new memories. Except the big stuff like the cruise we took this summer and meeting real Rockettes. We're having a pretty low-key New Year's Eve here...which is perfect in my book. Love all the ideas you have here...but how long do you think it took to string together all those marshmallows?!

  5. These are awesome ideas! I'm always pretty quiet on New Years (reflection), but I would definitely use these if I had a party. Fab!


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