
Monday, July 14, 2014

Lovely, Lovely Beds

Happy Monday!! (Did the extra exclamation point help--even a little?) Sometimes Mondays remind me that I'm not as young and spry as I used to be. (Using the word "spry" doesn't exactly make me sound young, either.) Every now and again, I do something crazy over the weekend like stay up past midnight (and by "past midnight", I mean 12:30). I swear, it takes me three days to recover. Today is one of those times, and I honestly feel like I need a full day to just sleep. Speaking of sleep, how gorgeous are these beds? I would be totally fine with one of each.  And then taking a good three hour nap in each of them, just to try them out. #inmydreams #nopunintended #whatswiththehashtags #tryingtostayyoung #ish
image from West Elm
image from Layla Grace
image from Serena and Lily


  1. Love the 1st and last the best! Enjoy your nap!

  2. Couldn’t post beds without a four poster, right? I love that first one. Not too girly, but still looks oh so comfy. Here’s hoping you get to nap in something just as luxurious someday!


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