
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

[color kreyv]: Gray Kitchens

You know I'm a white girl when it comes to kitchens (and...really all the time since I am caucasian--just in case there was any confusion there). A-ny-who...every now and again, I come across a gray kitchen that is so swoon-worthy, that it ALMOST makes me want to change my ways. I mean, really, where do we even start with these beauts? Total. Swoon. 
image from Southern Living
image from Susan Greenleaf
image from Jenna Sue Blog


  1. Pretty! And I love all the wide-plank floors. Though looking at them, all those floors look like they might be ceramic or laminate because the planks are short. Anyway, give me grey and white kitchens…that’s what makes me swoon!

  2. I'm not usually a fan of gray, but these kitchens are so pretty!


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