
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

So, We Bought Some Dirt...

This poor lil blog of mine sure has been neglected. BUUUT, better the blog than my children, right?! You see, we've been rather busy. Hubs and I like to tackle at least three life-changing events at once. It's how we roll. So, what have we been up to? Well, besides welcoming little Miss Salem into our home, we started a new job (technically Jeremy, but I pretty much take credit and join in on all of his accomplishments), AND, we bought a lot. Of dirt. That will someday host a house. Yup, we're building a home. For the last few months, we (and by we, I pretty much mean me pretending to get Jeremy's opinion when I already had my mind made up) have been making decisions on flooring and countertops--oh, how the countertops caused me some stress, exterior stone and electrical outlets and garage doors and lighting and everything else. Our final meeting was last Friday, and that means that if I change my mind anymore, we have to start paying for my indecisiveness. Good thing I'm cheap.  That should keep me from changing my mind. We probably won't be moving in until next summer, but we are so super excited! We have been married for 13 1/2 years and have lived in seven different homes. It will be nice to stay put…and in our very own home!
print from Spell and Tell via Etsy


  1. You must take lots of pictures to document every step of the way as your house comes together! I cannot wait for a house tour via your blog when you are all moved in and settled. Very excited for you! :)

  2. Congratulations on your soon-to-be home! I can't wait to see all the design choices you make!


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