
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

[color kreyv]: Navy Blue

I know this is a shocker, but I want everything in these pictures. I am seriously considering changing my bathroom vanities to navy. Yumm-ee. Speaking of blue, let's talk about the awkward party and the blue jeans I wore to said party--a "casual work get-together" according to Jeremy.  Yeah...not so much.  We walked into the room, and people were in suits, tuxes, cocktail dresses, and even a few floor-length gowns…and there I was in my faded jeans.  It. Was. Awesome. Nothing like an awkward party to get the year started off right.
image from Anthropologie
image from The House Diaries
image from Samantha Pynn


  1. Hahaha, a lot of people in the medical field go either way - overboard or so casual, never in between. :-)

  2. Ah man, that's rough. That's my worst fear when attending work functions. Lucky for me electricians take casual very seriously 😜😘

  3. Oh, no! I can’t imagine how you must have felt at that party. I hate feeling underdressed for any event. But those shades of Navy are nice and fancy. I really like the rug in the first one.

  4. Ahhh! That's horrible! I hate that story. :/ Although, I know you rocked your faded denim and 6 inch heels....but still, I feel for ya!


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