
Monday, June 18, 2012

Facebook Biz & My Nook

Sometimes Facebook makes me feel old. It's like every time they do something new, I catch myself being annoyed at the change. I just can't keep up with the kids these days. So, here's the deal: if you like [kreyv] on Facebook, and you don't want to miss a single thing (which I'm sure none of you do), you need to go to the [kreyv] Facebook page, click on "liked", then click on "show in news feed." And, if you don't like [kreyv] on Facebook, here's your opportunity (wink, wink).
And now onto my nook. My nook is my little "office". While having a computer in the bedroom is not my very first choice, it works for now. My Parson's Mini Desk from West Elm is perfect for the little space. I wanted my nook to be subtle and functional. It's kind of become my favorite part of the room, and it's especially handy when Stella wants to stay in the tub forever. I can be on the computer and see the tub at the same time. Now that's function!


  1. I've seen this new change too...i can't keep up. Good idea putting it on your site cause I figured it's silly to post on my Facebook if half the people aren't seeing my posts anyway:) and I have a little "nook" too and love it

  2. So cute and organized. Love the galvanized steel containers!! Facebook exhausts me...


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