
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My Master - Revised

The worst decorating mistake I ever made was when I moved to St. Louis at the end of June and wanted my house to be "perfect" by the time we had our first guests less than a month later. I ended up settling on a lot of items I didn't love, hanging things up just to have things on the wall, and choosing color schemes that weren't me. Two years and a LOT of changes later, I finally have our master the way I like it--besides the wall color (obvi).

In my dream room, I would have more space (although I can't complain about the amount of space we have now), wood floors, a fireplace, a seating area, white or super subtle gray walls, and great lighting. Oh, and a king size bed, which means I would have to get a new bed. I'm sure I'm leaving something out, and I'm just as sure that this list of mine will continue to grow.  And this is just one room. Did you know that if my full wish list were on paper it could circle the earth twice? True story.


  1. very nice. it feels so peaceful. we haven't even attempted our bedroom. our room is tiny and there isn't much room for anything. i think we'll wait to really tackle it until we are in a bigger house.

  2. The black and white contrast is sort of what I want for my living room but I've got a long LONG way to go. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Very clean and aesthetically calming. Love it!

    Visiting via SITS. :)

  4. I envy those that can decorate like you! My house would never be that perfect!
    Visiting from SITS :)

  5. Beautiful. And so soothing. Thanks for sharing.

    Stopping by from SITS. Have a great weekend.


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