Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mixing it Up in the Bedroom

I'm personally an all-white linen type of girl when it comes to bedding, BUT I do love mixing prints. Mixing prints is a good way to achieve a layered, collected look rather than a, "Hey, I just bought a bed in a bag," look. Remember when you used to look through the JC Penney catalog, and they had rooms with matching comforters, dust ruffles, pillows, curtains, chairs, rugs, wallpaper, and anything else you can think of? Let's not do that anymore. Mom, it's okay that you did it, because it was 1994, and I know you won't do it again.

As for mixing prints, go for it! Be creative. The secret to mixing prints is all about scale and pattern. Geometric prints look great with floral prints. Or, try a large geometric print with a small geometric print. Try to master the art of "I just threw these prints together without even thinking about it," when really it took A LOT of thought! Mix it up!

all images from Lonny Mag

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of 2 larger bedside dressers instead of two small bedside tables and a giant dresser. I am totally going to do this! Thanks Jamie!


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